Find a meeting
You can locate AA meetings near you with our meeting finder or download the Meeting Guide app to your mobile device.
Find online meetings at
Call our Intergroup hotline at 405-524-1100.
This is the OKC Intergroup Hotline. A recovering alcoholic will answer this phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can talk to us because we know exactly how you feel. We’ve been there.
Tenemos una línea que habla español, el número es 405-722-0184, 405-408-7927.
We can help you find a meeting, or provide other helpful numbers for you to find help. We are also here if you need to talk.
We also have a chat feature that operates between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 pm Monday through Friday, in case you are more comfortable with text.
Read the book Alcoholics Anonymous.
This book is our basic text, and provides the directions we take to stay sober. You can find the book in our store at 3833 NW 63rd Street in OKC or read it for free at